Navneet's Blog


Posted 18 June 2024 starting 1344 h, in APAAR funder's whatsapp group, then another--- 

I : Here is what we are up against dear all : drivers of school buses who have worked w APAAR in the past and can help Rajan to fill in as Apaar van driver( while he takes a three day vacation) are asking for high amounts of money citing that is the going rate for dihaaris ( wrong and lies ! I pay 20% less to get a driver for another city !). We live on begged funds. Such a rotten ecosystem this city is . More coming in next episode. Stay tuned to know how we swim upstream hanging by a thin thread of benevolent people like our three member staff in this black mud of citizenry. Benevolent like you ten or so regular funders ! Love youpastedGraphic.pngpastedGraphic_1.pngpastedGraphic_1.png

1452 h Episode 2 of How we Slog at APAAR : psychiatrists don t talk to us when parents of Apaarites follow up with them. V s medicine dose should have been adjusted four weeks ago. Psychiatrist just said come in July no change !! V is disruptive. He does not listen. He touches everyone. Even hits co riders in the car home. I had to message his Ludhiana psychiatrist just now :

Please confer with us when parents follow up. Please. We know his behaviour at apaar and must have input into his medication prescribing. The disconnect between psychiatrists and special schools is a major obstacle to social rehabilitation of persons on the spectrum . pastedGraphic_1.pngpastedGraphic_1.pngpastedGraphic_1.png

----- FYI dear Apaar friends. Our work is not for the faint hearted. THAT is our badge of honor amidst self declared failure in this city. Our vision is 16 centuries ahead of the ecosystem we exist inside.

Episode 3 :

Today I messaged a retired person who writes in English and Punjabi well: Sir, can you translate Apaar FB posts into Punjabi. One or two days. No hurry. I will send text in advance.

His reply: Navneet. I suggest you download English to Punjabi or vice versa translation app and do it whenever need be.

I to all : Jalandhar !! I've never heard of translation apps guys . I just arrived from a jungle clothed in leaves. I eat nuts to survive. Fire what is fire !

 and someone responds in the group : it is easy  ( with a photo explaining Translate text)

I : easy or not . I have hundreds of tasks . I don't need instructions. I need a person to help out.

No result. 

Some months ago I tried to enlist a Punjabi teacher’s help— she said sure, never responded after two reminders. 

This mediocre citizenry, these duds who would rather be watching you- tube videos than doing any substantive work to educate people . Our FB posts and blogposts remain in English for now as I ,muddy and exhausted, battle on. 

Rajan will get his summer vacation days off this week. Waiting to hear from drivers unwilling to work ,we will somehow manage. APAAR has failed but not died. We are still breathing. The pulse is irregular but the circulation still intact. But we operate professionally- no summer break. Sundays off are hard enough for clients and parents to manage.

Next up July 4--- get the home incarcerated PIDD out. I am hearing of more and more instances of persons with ID trapped by parents inside homes --- no peer interaction, their human rights to education and social rehabilitation violated by parents !  Stay tuned.

 It is a gruesome muddy ecosystem. We at APAAR are not giving up yet.